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8910 Miramar Pkwy Office 309G, Miramar, FL 33025

try Psychotherapy

Talk to one of our mental health professionals and start your journey to recovery. We offer various Psychotherapy and Counseling options for Adults, Children & Families, depending on your needs.

Psychiatrist near Mirmar FL


Dr. Titus Tucker

Clinical Social Worker - Ed.D, LCSW, SAP.

15+ years experience

No More
Waiting rooms

Our doctors are accessible through Online Consultations, In-Person sessions or Home Visits. Urgent appointments available.

What Our Patients Have Said:

Our Team Are Here For You

Psychiatrist near Mirmar FL


Dr. Titus Tucker

Clinical Social Worker - Ed.D, LCSW, SAP.

15+ years experience

Psychiatrist near Mirmar FL


Dr. Andrew C Rucker

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - DO

5+ years experience

Heather Brathwaite


Dr. Heather Brathwaite

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner - Ph.D., PMHNP-BC

26+ years experience

Psychiatrist near Mirmar FL


Dr. Murtaza Ali

Addiction Specialist, Family Physician - DO

To Answer your questions

Psychotherapy can be a transformative experience that can assist you in achieving your potential, enhancing your mental health, and overcoming social/emotional difficulties. You can get support from a licenced psychotherapist to:

  • Express your feelings and help process them in a supportive and safe environment.
  • Get a deeper insight into your issues and disorder.
  • Talk about what is bothering you in a closed and confidential environment.
  • Find better solutions with how to cope with your emotions.
  • Alter the way you think and behave to better your mental wellbeing.
  • Improve your life and the relationships within.
  • Overcome and heal from your previous trauma.

You don’t need to have a diagnosed mental illness to have psychotherapy and so it can benefit anyone in any situation. It can help you heal from emotional or mental health problems, including:

  • anxiety
  • feeling like you can’t cope
  • problems dealing with stress
  • lack of confidence
  • coping with the effects of abuse
  • feelings of depression, sadness and grief
  • extreme mood swings
  • difficulty making or sustaining relationships
  • sexual problems
  • difficulties coming to terms with losses
  • eating disorders
  • self-harm
  • obsessive behaviour
  • panic attacks and phobias.

At One Stop Psychiatry, our clinicians provide a comprehensive approach to fit each person’s unique needs. Our clinicians include psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed therapists who are ready to support you in any situation.

Yes we accept many insurance plans, including Medicare, Cigna & Medicaid to name a few. Alternatively we also have the option of affordable, sliding scale cash plans.

We are a multi-disciplinary centre that provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for people of all ages with psychiatric disorders in a variety of settings. We provide a full range of psychiatric services including medication management, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatry.

One-Stop Psychiatric Clinic was established to provide a comprehensive and full range of psychiatric services. Our team includes psychiatrists, psychiatric Nurse practitioners, psychologists, and social workers. We have specialists who work closely with patients to stop symptoms, improve quality of life and develop resilience.

Our goal is to provide the best care possible for our patients by engaging them in their treatment plans as active collaborators and providing open communication with physicians, family members, and caregivers when appropriate.

Psychiatrist Miramar FL

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