Board Certified Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, & Behavioral Counselors
Patient-Centred Approach
Psychiatric Medication Managment
Affordable and Accessible
Comprehensive Psychiatric Medication Management & Therapy for Adults and Children
At One Stop Psychiatry, our clinicians provide a comprehensive approach to fit each person’s unique needs. Our clinicians include psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed therapists who are ready to support you. One-Stop Psychiatric office offers both in-person and telehealth appointments, so you get the care you need.
Anxiety Disorder
Words from Our Patients
Recent Healthcare News
The health of your mind is just as important as the health of your body. Yet a number of factors like education and income can have an impact on mental health, and it’s important that everyone has equal access to mental healthcare in order to fully recover and receive treatment for their problems. Today, We are going to explore some recent news articles on this topic, so that you know all the resources at your disposal!
How therapy can help with mental health disorders?
It’s no secret that therapy can be expensive. But what if I told you that it could be worth every penny? In this article, I’ll be discussing how therapy can help with mental health disorders and why it’s such an important tool for those struggling with their mental health.
What is therapy?
Therapy, also known as psychotherapy or counseling, is a process of discovering and understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to improve your mental health. It can be an incredibly effective treatment for mental health disorders, providing you with the tools you need to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being.
How to improve your sleep in stressful times
When the world seems to be falling apart, it can be hard to relax. You might find yourself constantly going over what could or will happen, or maybe even running through the past and trying to figure out how you messed up so much in the first place.
Unplug The Gadgets 30 Minutes Before Bed
It’s no secret that stress can take a toll on your sleep. If you’re finding it hard to catch some zzz’s, unplugging from your gadgets may help.
According to a recent study, spending time on devices like phones and laptops before bed can make it harder to fall asleep. The blue light emitted from screens can disrupt your body’s natural sleep cycle.
This Is What Panic Disorder Looks Like And Why You Should Seek Treatment
Panic disorder is the third most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder in the US. According to one study, this condition affects over 1 percent of Americans-2 million people and occurs twice as often in women than in men. A combination of psychotherapy and medications are typically used to manage panic disorder.
When you understand the science behind panic attacks, it can be easier to see why treatment is so important. Panic attacks are caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, environmental stressors, and brain chemistry.
We accept many Insurance as well as sliding scale Cash payment.
We accept many insurance plans as well as affordable sliding scale cash plans. Please call our office for more information. (754) 270-6322